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Basic Difference Between Local Storage and Session Storage in HTML 5



This article explains what is the basic difference between HTML 5 local storage and session storage. Basically, both session storage and local storage are part of storage mechanism which is introduced with HTML5. By using these two, we can store information on client side itself. I hope you will like it.

If you are new to the term local storage, I recommend you to read my article here: Local Storage

Basic scenario where you can use

If you need to carry a value throughout your application or throughout your pages, you can use local storage. For example, we can store a logged-in username in local storage that we may need to access all the pages. I strongly recommend to not store any secured data (for example a “password”) in local storage.

In some scenario, we may need to set a key element depending on the pages we have in the application. For example, if we need to store the page name (any key element that may be different).
So let’s start

Using the code

Here in my application, I have added two HTML5 pages.


In HtmlPage1.html I have set local storage and session storage, now I am trying to access that in HtmlPage2.html. Please see the following source.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Difference between local storage and session storage</title>
localStorage.setItem(“myKey”, 1);
sessionStorage.setItem(“myKey”, 1);
var myVal = localStorage.getItem(“myKey”);
alert(“My local storage value is : ” + myVal);
alert(“My session storage value is : ” + sessionStorage.getItem(“myKey”));

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Difference between local storage and session storage</title>
var myVal = localStorage.getItem(“myKey”);
alert(“My local storage value is : ” + myVal);
alert(“My session storage value is : ” + sessionStorage.getItem(“myKey”));

When you run the first page, in the browser console you will see as in the following image.

Figure: Local Storage

Figure: Session Storage

Now it is time to run the second page. Once you run that please check in the console. You can see as follows.

Figure: Local storage

Figure: Session storage

Please note that session storage is null. You can see the session storage only if you set it on that running page.


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Kindest Regards
Sibeesh Venu

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