Bing To Google In Windows 10

In this post we will see how we can change our default search engine from Bing to Google in windows 10. We all know windows 10 have come up with a brand new web browser Edge with lots of cool features, this edge browser has Bing as the default search engine. Some users might not like Bing as much as Google. I am such one, I always use Google as my search engine. And it always gives accurate results too. So I thought of changing the search engine from Bing to Google in Windows 10. Here I will show you how. I hope you will like this article.
Steps to change default search engine in Windows 10
Open Edge browser in your Windows 10 computer. And go to settings as shown in the preceding image.
Now please go to advanced settings.
Now you can see Bing Option in “Search in the address bar with” column.
Click add new from the list.
Type in the search bar area and choose it. And click “Add as default”.
Now you can see in the search browser list.
It is time to test what we have done. Try searching for anything in Edge browser and see the result.
That’s all thanks for reading.
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Kindest Regards
Sibeesh Venu